Cookie report for

Generated on 2023-02-02 08:57:17 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 10

Cookies(in total): 4

First-party Cookies: 3

Third-party Cookies: 1

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Absolut nødvendige cookies4

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
ASP.NET_SessionId / First-party Session General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written with Miscrosoft .NET based technologies. Usually used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server.
ASP.NET_SessionId cookie was first detected on:
__cf_bm / Third-party 30 minutes Denne cookie bruges til at skelne mellem mennesker og bots. Dette er gavnligt for hjemmesiden for at lave gyldige rapporter om brugen af deres hjemmeside.
__cf_bm cookie was first detected on: void(0)
BIGipServer~KIT~pool-psc05-dtudk-http / First-party Session Dette cookienavn er knyttet til BIG-IP-produktsuiten fra firma F5. Normalt forbundet med administration af sessioner på belastningsbalancerede servere for at sikre, at brugeranmodninger dirigeres konsekvent til den korrekte server. Den fælles rod er BIGipServer oftest efterfulgt af et domænenavn, som regel det, som det er hostet på, men ikke altid.
BIGipServer~KIT~pool-psc05-dtudk-http cookie was first detected on:
CookieScriptConsent / First-party 1 month This cookie is used by service to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for cookie banner to work properly.
CookieScriptConsent cookie was first detected on: