Cookie report for

Generated on 2021-07-19 08:32:41 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 461

Cookies(in total): 18

First-party Cookies: 10

Third-party Cookies: 8

Add cookie compliance

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Strictly Necessary cookies3

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
CookieScriptConsent / First-party 1 month This cookie is used by service to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for cookie banner to work properly.
CookieScriptConsent cookie was first detected on:
__cfruid / Third-party Session Cookie associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to identify trusted web traffic.
__cfruid cookie was first detected on:
_GRECAPTCHA /recaptcha Third-party 6 months Google reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.
_GRECAPTCHA cookie was first detected on:

Performance cookies2

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_ga / First-party 2 years This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
_ga cookie was first detected on:
_gid / First-party 1 day This cookie is set by Google Analytics. It stores and update a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track pageviews.
_gid cookie was first detected on:

Targeting cookies9

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
mp_[abcdef0123456789]{32}_mixpanel .moralis / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used by Mixpanel to track user behavior on our website in order so we can improve our services accordingly.
_gcl_au / First-party 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
_gcl_au cookie was first detected on:
test_cookie / Third-party 15 minutes This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to determine if the website visitor's browser supports cookies.
test_cookie cookie was first detected on:
IDE / Third-party 1 year This cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
IDE cookie was first detected on:
YSC / Third-party Session This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos.
YSC cookie was first detected on:
_ga_[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]{10} / First-party 2 years This cookie is set by Youtube to keep track of user preferences for Youtube videos embedded in sites;it can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the Youtube interface.
ajs_anonymous_id / First-party 6 months Random generated id for anonymous visitors. Used to count different users.
ajs_group_id / First-party 6 months Group id if you are logged in. This is used to group visits by different website users.
ajs_user_id / First-party 6 months Your user id if you are signed in as a user. This is used for usage analytics.

Functionality cookies4

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE / Third-party 6 months This cookie is set by Youtube to keep track of user preferences for Youtube videos embedded in sites;it can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the Youtube interface.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE cookie was first detected on:
__session / Third-party 10 years This cookie is used for session management when signing in and out.
__session cookie was first detected on: / First-party 10 years Used to provide browser based code editor. cookie was first detected on:
_gat_space / First-party 55 seconds Used to provide browser based code editor.
_gat_space cookie was first detected on: