Cookie report for

Generated on 2022-05-20 09:17:20 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 100

Cookies(in total): 54

First-party Cookies: 39

Third-party Cookies: 15

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Strictly Necessary cookies26

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
guest-view / First-party Session Stores the Order ID that guest shoppers use to retrieve their order status and for the guest orders view section (if enabled)
mage-cache-storage / First-party Session Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions. This is required for sales operations, including your cart.
private_content_version / First-party 1 year Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server.
store / Third-party Session Tracks the specific store view / locale selected by the shopper.
dataservices_customer_id / First-party Session Indicates a shoppers authentication state used for product recommendations. Does not contain the customer unique ID.
PHPSESSID / First-party 1 hour Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.
PHPSESSID cookie was first detected on:
form_key / First-party 1 day A security measure that appends a random string to all form submissions to protect the data from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
form_key cookie was first detected on:
product_data_storage / First-party 1 hour Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed / Compared Products.
product_data_storage cookie was first detected on:
recently_compared_product / First-party 1 hour Stores product IDs of recently compared products.
recently_compared_product cookie was first detected on:
CookieScriptConsent / First-party 1 month This cookie is used by service to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for cookie banner to work properly.
CookieScriptConsent cookie was first detected on:
x-pp-s / Third-party Session This cookie is provided by PayPal and supports payment services in the website.
x-pp-s cookie was first detected on:
recently_viewed_product_previous / First-party 1 hour Stores product IDs of recently previously viewed products for easy navigation.
recently_viewed_product_previous cookie was first detected on:
tsrce / Third-party 3 days PayPal cookie: when making a payment via PayPal these cookies are issued – PayPal session/security
tsrce cookie was first detected on:
JSESSIONID / Third-party Session General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written in JSP. Usually used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server.
JSESSIONID cookie was first detected on:
mage-messages / First-party 1 hour Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages. The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper.
mage-messages cookie was first detected on:
recently_compared_product_previous / First-party 1 hour Stores product IDs of previously compared products for easy navigation.
recently_compared_product_previous cookie was first detected on:
PHPSESSID / First-party 1 hour Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.
PHPSESSID cookie was first detected on:
form_key / First-party 1 hour A security measure that appends a random string to all form submissions to protect the data from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).
form_key cookie was first detected on:
X-Magento-Vary / First-party 1 hour X-Magento-Vary cookie is used by Magento 2 system to highlight that version of a page requested by a user has been changed. It allows having different versions of the same page stored in cache e.g. Varnish.
X-Magento-Vary cookie was first detected on:
AWSALBCORS / Third-party 7 days For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update, we are creating additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSALBCORS (ALB).
AWSALBCORS cookie was first detected on:
_GRECAPTCHA /recaptcha Third-party 6 months Google reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.
_GRECAPTCHA cookie was first detected on:
mage-banners-cache-storage / First-party Session Stores banner content locally to improve performance.
mage-banners-cache-storage cookie was first detected on:
mage-cache-sessid / First-party 1 hour The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage. When the cookie is removed by the backend application, the Admin cleans up local storage, and sets the cookie value to true.
mage-cache-sessid cookie was first detected on:
recently_viewed_product / First-party 1 hour Stores product IDs of recently viewed products for easy navigation.
recently_viewed_product cookie was first detected on:
l7_az / Third-party 30 minutes This cookie is necessary for the PayPal login-function on the website.
l7_az cookie was first detected on:
_dc_gtm_UA-99330766-1 / First-party 57 seconds This cookie is associated with sites using Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code into a page. Where it is used it may be regarded as Strictly Necessary as without it, other scripts may not function correctly. The end of the name is a unique number which is also an identifier for an associated Google Analytics account.
_dc_gtm_UA-99330766-1 cookie was first detected on:

Performance cookies2

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_ga / First-party 2 years This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
_ga cookie was first detected on:
_gid / First-party 1 day This cookie is set by Google Analytics. It stores and update a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track pageviews.
_gid cookie was first detected on:

Targeting cookies10

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
add_to_cart / First-party Session Captures the product SKU, name, price and quantity removed from the cart, and makes the information available for Google Tag Manager and other third-party scripts.
remove_from_cart / First-party Session Captures the product SKU, name, price and quantity added to the cart, and makes the information available for Google Tag Manager and other third party scripts.
_gcl_au / First-party 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
_gcl_au cookie was first detected on:
MUID / Third-party 1 year This cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking.
MUID cookie was first detected on:
_uetsid / First-party 1 day This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.
_uetsid cookie was first detected on:
ts / Third-party 3 years This cookie is generally provided by PayPal and supports payment services in the website.
ts cookie was first detected on:
cjConsent / First-party 1 year 1 month This cookie is widely used by Commission Junction as a unique user identifier. It can captures the product SKU, name, price and quantity added to the cart for commission payments to Affiliates.
cjConsent cookie was first detected on:
_uetvid / First-party 1 year This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.
_uetvid cookie was first detected on:
NID / Third-party 6 months 3 days This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to help build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on other sites.
NID cookie was first detected on:
_fbp / First-party 3 months Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
_fbp cookie was first detected on:

Functionality cookies16

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
section_data_ids / First-party Session Stores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions such as display wish list, checkout information, etc, which is required for purchase flow.
authentication_flag / First-party Session Indicates if a shopper has signed in or signed out. For use in product recommendations.
dataservices_cart_id / First-party Session Identifies a shopper’s cart action for use in product recommendations
dataservices_product_context / First-party Session Identifies a shopper’s product interactions for use in product recommendations
login_redirect / First-party Session Helps with site experience flow. Stores the user's previous page prior to login to automatically return back afterwards.
mg_dnt / First-party 1 year Sets a 'do not track' flag for product recommendations based on system preferences
persistent_shopping_cart / First-party 1 year Stores the key (ID) of persistent cart to make it possible to restore the cart for an anonymous shopper.
mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation / First-party 1 hour This cookie is used to facilitate content caching on the browser to make pages load faster.
mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation cookie was first detected on:
mage-cache-storage / First-party 1 hour This cookie is used to facilitate content caching on the browser to make pages load faster.
mage-cache-storage cookie was first detected on:
LANG / Third-party 8 hours 46 minutes There are many different types of cookies associated with this name, and a more detailed look at how it is used on a particular website is generally recommended. However, in most cases it will likely be used to store language preferences, potentially to serve up content in the stored language.
LANG cookie was first detected on:
ts_c / Third-party 3 years To provide fraud prevention.
ts_c cookie was first detected on:
nsid / Third-party Session This cookie lets us remember your preferences like language, country or region and text sizes.
nsid cookie was first detected on:
enforce_policy / Third-party 1 year This cookie lets us remember your preferences like language, country or region and text sizes.
enforce_policy cookie was first detected on:
sc_f / Third-party 5 years This cookie lets us remember your preferences like language, country or region and text sizes
sc_f cookie was first detected on:
__zlcmid / First-party 1 year Live chat widget sets the cookies to store the Zopim Live Chat ID used to identify a device across visits.
__zlcmid cookie was first detected on:
cje / First-party 1 year This cookie is widely used by Commission Junction as a unique user identifier. It can captures the product SKU, name, price and quantity added to the cart for commission payments to Affiliates.