Cookie report for

Generated on 2024-05-05 03:34:29 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 595

Cookies(in total): 4

First-party Cookies: 2

Third-party Cookies: 2

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Strengt nødvendige cookies1

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
PHPSESSID / First-party Session Cookie genereret af applikationer baseret på PHP-sproget. Dette er en generel identifikator, der bruges til at opretholde variabler for brugersessioner. Det er normalt et tilfældigt genereret nummer, hvordan det bruges kan være specifikt for webstedet, men et godt eksempel er at opretholde en logget status for en bruger mellem siderne.
PHPSESSID cookie was first detected on:

Ydeevne cookies1

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
__eoi / First-party 6 months Denne cookie bruges til at registrere brugerengagement og interaktion med hjemmesiden, hvilket hjælper med at forbedre brugeroplevelsen og analysere hjemmesidens ydeevne.
__eoi cookie was first detected on:

Målretning af cookies2

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
cookie_user_id / Third-party 1 year - Målretning af annoncer
cookie_user_id cookie was first detected on:
cookie_user_id_sig / Third-party 1 year - Målretning af annoncer
cookie_user_id_sig cookie was first detected on:


Storage key Type Category
ct_checked_emails local Strictly Necessary
apbct_site_landing_ts local Strictly Necessary
apbct_iframes_protected local Strictly Necessary
ct_timezone local Strictly Necessary
apbct_session_current_page session Strictly Necessary
ct_has_scrolled local Strictly Necessary
google_adsense_settings local Strictly Necessary
apbct_visible_fields local Strictly Necessary
apbct_cookies_test local Strictly Necessary
google_auto_fc_cmp_setting local Strictly Necessary
apbct_session_id session Strictly Necessary
ct_mouse_moved local Strictly Necessary
apbct_urls local Strictly Necessary
ct_ps_timestamp local Strictly Necessary
apbct_headless local Strictly Necessary
ct_checkjs local Strictly Necessary
ct_cookies_type local Strictly Necessary
apbct_page_hits local Strictly Necessary
ct_fkp_timestamp local Strictly Necessary
ct_pointer_data local Strictly Necessary
ct_screen_info local Strictly Necessary