Cookie report for

Generated on 2024-04-04 19:23:33 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 100

Cookies(in total): 40

First-party Cookies: 30

Third-party Cookies: 10

Add cookie compliance

Use our easy cookie compliance solution to make sure your website is up to date with the latest regulations

Strictly Necessary cookies6

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
ventrata-order-id / First-party 30 minutes Ventrata cart
ventrata / First-party 30 minutes Ventrata
AWSALBCORS / Third-party 7 days For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update, we are creating additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSALBCORS (ALB).
AWSALBCORS cookie was first detected on:
_gcl_au / First-party 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
_gcl_au cookie was first detected on:
CookieScriptConsent / First-party 1 month This cookie is used by service to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for cookie banner to work properly.
CookieScriptConsent cookie was first detected on:
PHPSESSID / First-party Session Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.
PHPSESSID cookie was first detected on:

Performance cookies8

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
tap_vid / First-party 1 month 15 days Tapfilliat Visitor ID
_ga / First-party 2 years This cookie name is asssociated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. By default it is set to expire after 2 years, although this is customisable by website owners.
_ga cookie was first detected on:
_ga_D785VJE1PZ / First-party 2 years This cookie is used by Google Analytics to persist session state.
_ga_D785VJE1PZ cookie was first detected on:
optimizelyEndUserId / First-party 10 years Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimisation plaftform. This cookie is a unique user identifier
optimizelyEndUserId cookie was first detected on:
optimizelyBuckets / First-party 10 years Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimisation plaftform. Used to store the page variants assigned to a user for A/B performance testing, to ensure the user gets a consistent experience
optimizelyBuckets cookie was first detected on:
_gid / First-party 1 day This cookie name is asssociated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google. It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited.
_gid cookie was first detected on:
optimizelySegments / First-party 10 years This cookie is set by the Optimizely website optimisation plaftform. It holds audience segmentation information for a visitor.
optimizelySegments cookie was first detected on:
optimizelyPendingLogEvents / First-party 14 seconds Cookie set by the Optimizely website optimisation plaftform. Records user activity.
optimizelyPendingLogEvents cookie was first detected on:

Targeting cookies9

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_gat_gtag_UA_69508780_1 / First-party 58 seconds This cookie is part of Google Analytics and is used to limit requests (throttle request rate).
_gat_gtag_UA_69508780_1 cookie was first detected on:
IDE / Third-party 1 year This cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
IDE cookie was first detected on:
MUID / Third-party 1 year This cookie is widely used my Microsoft as a unique user identifier. It can be set by embedded microsoft scripts. Widely believed to sync across many different Microsoft domains, allowing user tracking.
MUID cookie was first detected on:
_fbp / First-party 3 months Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
_fbp cookie was first detected on:
A3 / Third-party 1 year Ads targeting cookie for Yahoo
A3 cookie was first detected on:
_pin_unauth / First-party 1 year Registers a unique ID that identifies and recognizes the user. Is used for targeted advertising.
_pin_unauth cookie was first detected on:
_uetsid / First-party 1 day This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.
_uetsid cookie was first detected on:
_uetvid / First-party 1 year This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.
_uetvid cookie was first detected on:
NID / Third-party 6 months 3 days This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to help build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on other sites.
NID cookie was first detected on:

Functionality cookies1

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
__zlcmid / First-party 1 year Live chat widget sets the cookies to store the Zopim Live Chat ID used to identify a device across visits.
__zlcmid cookie was first detected on:

Unclassified cookies16

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_sp_ses.9193 / First-party 30 minutes
_sp_ses.9193 cookie was first detected on:
ftt-locale / First-party Session
ftt-locale cookie was first detected on:
ph_phc_8l5A7fBjCDCEg8zm1D2UwDeJV6ceKenP5Jqwu1nli2X_posthog / First-party 1 year
ph_phc_8l5A7fBjCDCEg8zm1D2UwDeJV6ceKenP5Jqwu1nli2X_posthog cookie was first detected on:
_hjSessionUser_1243078 / First-party 1 year
_hjSessionUser_1243078 cookie was first detected on:
ftt-locale-currency / First-party Session
ftt-locale-currency cookie was first detected on:
yotpo_pixel / First-party 8 hours 45 minutes
yotpo_pixel cookie was first detected on:
_sp_id.9193 / First-party 2 years
_sp_id.9193 cookie was first detected on:
attribution_user_id / Third-party 1 year
attribution_user_id cookie was first detected on:
ar_debug / Third-party 1 year
ar_debug cookie was first detected on:
tagible_user /paris First-party 1 month
tagible_user cookie was first detected on:
_hjSession_1243078 / First-party 30 minutes
_hjSession_1243078 cookie was first detected on:
tf_respondent_cc / Third-party 6 months 3 days
tf_respondent_cc cookie was first detected on:
pixel / Third-party 1 year
pixel cookie was first detected on:
AWSALBTGCORS / Third-party 7 days
AWSALBTGCORS cookie was first detected on:
tap_debug / First-party 1 day
tap_debug_clicked / First-party 1 day


Storage key Type Category
lastExternalReferrerTime local Strictly Necessary
pa_inweb session Strictly Necessary
ph_phc_8l5A7fBjCDCEg8zm1D2UwDeJV6ceKenP5Jqwu1nli2X_posthog session Strictly Necessary
ph_phc_8l5A7fBjCDCEg8zm1D2UwDeJV6ceKenP5Jqwu1nli2X_window_id session Strictly Necessary
pa_inweb local Strictly Necessary
_uetvid local Strictly Necessary
_uetsid local Strictly Necessary
_uetsid_exp local Strictly Necessary
ph_phc_8l5A7fBjCDCEg8zm1D2UwDeJV6ceKenP5Jqwu1nli2X_posthog local Strictly Necessary
ph_phc_8l5A7fBjCDCEg8zm1D2UwDeJV6ceKenP5Jqwu1nli2X_primary_window_exists session Strictly Necessary
pa_inweb_pageviews local Strictly Necessary
lastExternalReferrer local Strictly Necessary
wpEmojiSettingsSupports session Strictly Necessary
__zlcstore local Strictly Necessary
ZD-suid local Strictly Necessary
ZD-store local Strictly Necessary
_uetvid_exp local Strictly Necessary
optimizely_data$$first_session session Strictly Necessary
is_eu session Strictly Necessary