Cookie report for

Generated on 2024-07-03 14:48:31 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 10

Cookies(in total): 67

First-party Cookies: 14

Third-party Cookies: 53

Add cookie compliance

Use our easy cookie compliance solution to make sure your website is up to date with the latest regulations

Strictly Necessary cookies14

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
OptanonAlertBoxClosed / First-party 1 year This cookie is set by websites using certain versions of the cookie law compliance solution from OneTrust. It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and in some cases only when they actively close the notice down. It enables the website not to show the message more than once to a user. The cookie has a one year lifespan and contains no personal information.
OptanonAlertBoxClosed cookie was first detected on:
sd-session-id / Third-party 6 months This cookie is used to store session information for users, maintaining a consistent user experience during a website visit. It can help in tracking user sessions for the purpose of improving site performance and enhancing the users' browsing experience.
sd-session-id cookie was first detected on:
receive-cookie-deprecation / Third-party 1 year 1 month This cookie is used to signal to the website owner about the deprecation of cookies being received by the system, ensuring compliance and adaptability with evolving web standards and privacy legislation.
receive-cookie-deprecation cookie was first detected on:
euds / Third-party Session This cookie is used for storing user consent in relation to tracking services. It typically records whether a user has opted in or out of tracking or advertising services.
euds cookie was first detected on:
OptanonConsent / First-party 1 year This cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the users browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor.
OptanonConsent cookie was first detected on:
am_tokens / Third-party 14 days This cookie is used to manage user tokens for authentication purposes, ensuring secure login and user session management across sessions.
am_tokens cookie was first detected on:
receive-cookie-deprecation / Third-party 6 months This cookie is used to signal to the website owner about the deprecation of cookies being received by the system, ensuring compliance and adaptability with evolving web standards and privacy legislation.
receive-cookie-deprecation cookie was first detected on:
mv_tokens / Third-party 14 days This cookie is used for authentication and to facilitate user sessions by storing tokens. It supports secure login and data interactions by maintaining session state across page requests.
mv_tokens cookie was first detected on:
mv_tokens_eu-v1 / Third-party 14 days This cookie is used to manage user tokens for accessing specific content that requires user authentication and to ensure a secure user experience. It may store tokens or references to user sessions to facilitate secure exchanges between the client and the content server.
mv_tokens_eu-v1 cookie was first detected on:
am_tokens_eu-v1 / Third-party 14 days This cookie is used for authentication and to store a user's state across pages to improve their browsing experience.
am_tokens_eu-v1 cookie was first detected on:
receive-cookie-deprecation / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to signal to the website owner about the deprecation of cookies being received by the system, ensuring compliance and adaptability with evolving web standards and privacy legislation.
receive-cookie-deprecation cookie was first detected on:
PHPSESSID / First-party 1 year 1 month Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.
PHPSESSID cookie was first detected on:
SERVERID / Third-party 10 minutes Usually used for load balancing. Identifies the server that delivered the last page to the browser. Associated with the HAProxy Load Balancer software.
SERVERID cookie was first detected on:
opt_out / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to track the user's decision to opt out of cookies on the website, indicating they have chosen not to have their data used for tracking and personalisation purposes.
opt_out cookie was first detected on:

Performance cookies17

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
zync-uuid / Third-party 6 months This cookie is used to track user behavior and site interaction to improve user experience and website functionality. It may also be used for website analytics and performance measurement.
zync-uuid cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id-v3 / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to collect information about how visitors interact with a website. It is typically used for tracking and analytics purposes to improve the user experience and site performance.
sa-user-id-v3 cookie was first detected on:
_ga_WFQP67DPSX / First-party 1 year 1 month This cookie is used by Google Analytics to persist session state.
_ga_WFQP67DPSX cookie was first detected on:
data-rk / Third-party 12 months 4 days This cookie is used to collect information on user behavior on the website for performance analysis and improvement.
data-rk cookie was first detected on:
_ga / First-party 1 year 1 month This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
_ga cookie was first detected on:
mics_vid / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to identify the device or browser from which the user accesses the website, allowing for tracking and analysis of website interaction and user behavior for marketing and analytics purposes.
mics_vid cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id / First-party 1 year This cookie is used to track user interaction and behavior on the website. It collects anonymous data about the user's visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website, and what pages have been loaded. This information is used to improve the user's experience by customizing our page content based on the visitor's browser type and/or other information.
sa-user-id cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id-v3 / First-party 1 year This cookie is used to collect information about how visitors interact with a website. It is typically used for tracking and analytics purposes to improve the user experience and site performance.
sa-user-id-v3 cookie was first detected on:
_ga_BFC68KXWT0 / First-party 1 year 1 month This cookie is used by Google Analytics to persist session state.
_ga_BFC68KXWT0 cookie was first detected on:
data-c / Third-party 1 month This cookie is used to collect information on user behavior and interaction to enhance the user experience and measure website performance.
data-c cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to track user interaction and behavior on the website. It collects anonymous data about the user's visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website, and what pages have been loaded. This information is used to improve the user's experience by customizing our page content based on the visitor's browser type and/or other information.
sa-user-id cookie was first detected on:
C / Third-party 1 month 1 day This cookie is used to identify the frequency of visits and how the visitor accesses the website. It collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been read.
C cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to track user interaction and behavior on the website. It collects anonymous data about the user's visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website, and what pages have been loaded. This information is used to improve the user's experience by customizing our page content based on the visitor's browser type and/or other information.
sa-user-id cookie was first detected on:
data-c-ts / Third-party 1 month This cookie is used to time-stamp and perform a time sync for users' sessions, ensuring accurate session time tracking.
data-c-ts cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id-v3 / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to collect information about how visitors interact with a website. It is typically used for tracking and analytics purposes to improve the user experience and site performance.
sa-user-id-v3 cookie was first detected on:
mics_lts / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used for tracking user interaction and engagement with the website to improve service and user experience.
mics_lts cookie was first detected on:
ayl_visitor / Third-party 1 month This cookie is used to track and analyze the behavior of visitors to the website. It collects anonymous data such as how many times a visitor has been to the site, any referrals from other websites, and visits duration to enhance and personalize the user experience.
ayl_visitor cookie was first detected on:

Targeting cookies32

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_fbp / First-party 3 months Used by Meta to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
_fbp cookie was first detected on:
uid / Third-party 1 year This cookie provides a uniquely assigned, machine-generated user ID and gathers data about activity on the website. This data may be sent to a 3rd party for analysis and reporting.
uid cookie was first detected on:
CMPS / Third-party 3 months These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at.
CMPS cookie was first detected on:
_rxuuid / Third-party 1 year This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
_rxuuid cookie was first detected on:
dpm / Third-party 6 months Adobe Audience Manager - data management platform uses this cookie to record information around synchronisation of IDs.
dpm cookie was first detected on:
_gcl_au / First-party 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
_gcl_au cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id-v2 / First-party 1 year This cookie is used to identify unique visitors by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is used to enhance the user's experience by tailoring advertisements and content to the user's interests and to improve site performance and targeting capabilities.
sa-user-id-v2 cookie was first detected on:
uid / Third-party 2 months This cookie provides a uniquely assigned, machine-generated user ID and gathers data about activity on the website. This data may be sent to a 3rd party for analysis and reporting.
uid cookie was first detected on:
rlas3 / Third-party 1 year This cookie is generally provided by and is used for advertising purposes.
rlas3 cookie was first detected on:
eud / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to collect information about the user's behavior and interaction on the website. It gathers data that helps in targeting and personalizing advertisements to enhance the user experience.
eud cookie was first detected on:
anj / Third-party 3 months This cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with an AppNexus partner.
anj cookie was first detected on:
mics_uaid / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used for tracking user activities and engagement to improve user experience and for targeted advertising purposes.
mics_uaid cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id-v2 / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to identify unique visitors by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is used to enhance the user's experience by tailoring advertisements and content to the user's interests and to improve site performance and targeting capabilities.
sa-user-id-v2 cookie was first detected on:
cto_bundle / First-party 1 year 1 month This cookie is used to collect information on user behavior and preferences for advertising purposes, aiming to display more relevant ads to the user.
cto_bundle cookie was first detected on:
ruds / Third-party Session Registers anonymised user data, such as IP address, geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked.
ruds cookie was first detected on:
_rxuuid / Third-party 1 year This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
_rxuuid cookie was first detected on:
pxrc / Third-party 2 months This cookie registers non-personal data on the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance.
pxrc cookie was first detected on:
tvid / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used for tracking user interaction and engagement with the website's content, helping in the improvement and optimization of online services provided. It may also be used for delivering personalized advertising experiences.
tvid cookie was first detected on:
yieldmo_id / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used for advertising purposes, tracking user interaction with ads and optimizing ad performance across websites.
yieldmo_id cookie was first detected on:
AFFICHE_W / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used by Weborama software and enables user tracking.
AFFICHE_W cookie was first detected on:
uuid2 / Third-party 3 months This cookie allows targeted advertising through the AppNexus platform - collects anonymous data on ad views IP adddress, page views, and more.
uuid2 cookie was first detected on:
CMPRO / Third-party 3 months These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at.
CMPRO cookie was first detected on:
criteo / Third-party 14 days This cookie is set by Outbrain and it is used to analyse technical data about the website
criteo cookie was first detected on:
ptrcriteo / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used for re-targeting, optimization, reporting, and attribution of online adverts.
ptrcriteo cookie was first detected on:
IDE / Third-party 1 year This cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.
IDE cookie was first detected on:
sa-user-id-v2 / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to identify unique visitors by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is used to enhance the user's experience by tailoring advertisements and content to the user's interests and to improve site performance and targeting capabilities.
sa-user-id-v2 cookie was first detected on:
CMID / Third-party 1 year These cookies are linked to advertising and tracking the products users were looking at.
CMID cookie was first detected on:
rud / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used for identifying unique visitors and providing personalized services.
rud cookie was first detected on:
XANDR_PANID / Third-party 3 months This cookie is used to deliver ads more relevant to you and your interests. It is also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.
XANDR_PANID cookie was first detected on:
cto_bundle / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to collect information on user behavior and preferences for advertising purposes, aiming to display more relevant ads to the user.
cto_bundle cookie was first detected on:
tv_UICR / Third-party 1 month This cookie is used to track user interactions and engagement with the website's content to improve the service and content delivery. It can collect data on user behavior and preferences to facilitate targeted advertising and marketing strategies.
tv_UICR cookie was first detected on:
demdex / Third-party 6 months This cookie helps Adobe Audience Manger perform basic functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc.
demdex cookie was first detected on:

Functionality cookies1

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
visitor-id / Third-party 1 year This cookie is used to identify unique visitors across the website to provide a consistent and personalized experience.
visitor-id cookie was first detected on:

Unclassified cookies3

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
PrestaShop-[abcdef0123456789]{32} / First-party 20 days
PrestaShop-[abcdef0123456789]{32} cookie was first detected on:
web / First-party Session
web cookie was first detected on:
tv_UIRF / Third-party 1 year 1 month
tv_UIRF cookie was first detected on: