Cookie report for

Generated on 2025-01-15 08:39:09 GMT

URL scanned:

Total pages scanned: 10

Cookies(in total): 9

First-party Cookies: 0

Third-party Cookies: 0

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Use our easy cookie compliance solution to make sure your website is up to date with the latest regulations

Strictly Necessary cookies5

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
CloudFront-Policy / Third-party Session This cookie is used by Amazon Web Services for the CloudFront content delivery network to apply security settings on a per-client basis.
CloudFront-Policy cookie was first detected on:
CloudFront-Signature / Third-party Session This cookie is used by the Amazon Web Services Elastic Load Balancer to improve the performance and security of web applications by managing the distribution of traffic. It helps in delivering content efficiently and securely.
CloudFront-Signature cookie was first detected on:
CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id / Third-party Session This cookie is associated with AWS (Amazon Web Services) and is used for delivering secure content through CloudFront, ensuring that only authenticated users can access the specified content.
CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id cookie was first detected on:
PHPSESSID / First-party Session Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.
PHPSESSID cookie was first detected on:
nette-browser / First-party Session This cookie is used to maintain user session state while visiting the website.
nette-browser cookie was first detected on:

Performance cookies2

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
_pk_id.3018.04c5 / First-party 1 year This cookie name is associated with the Piwik open source web analytics platform. It is used to help website owners track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. It is a pattern type cookie, where the prefix _pk_id is followed by a short series of numbers and letters, which is believed to be a reference code for the domain setting the cookie.
_pk_id.3018.04c5 cookie was first detected on:
_pk_ses.3018.04c5 / First-party 30 minutes This cookie name is associated with the Piwik open source web analytics platform. It is used to help website owners track visitor behaviour and measure site performance. It is a pattern type cookie, where the prefix _pk_ses is followed by a short series of numbers and letters, which is believed to be a reference code for the domain setting the cookie.
_pk_ses.3018.04c5 cookie was first detected on:

Unclassified cookies2

Cookie key Domain Path Cookie type Expiration Description
cookie_vsession / First-party 30 minutes
cookie_vsession cookie was first detected on:
euCookies / First-party 1 year 1 month
euCookies cookie was first detected on:


Storage key Type Category
bot_detector_user_agent local Strictly Necessary
ct_screen_info local Strictly Necessary
apbct_iframes_protected local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_screen_info local Strictly Necessary
ct_fkp_timestamp local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_referrer_previous local Strictly Necessary
ct_timezone local Strictly Necessary
apbct_pixel_url local Strictly Necessary
apbct_session_current_page session Strictly Necessary
ct_has_scrolled local Strictly Necessary
apbct_site_landing_ts local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_event_token local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_browser_supports_cookies local Strictly Necessary
lastExternalReferrerTime local Strictly Necessary
ct_checkjs local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_page_hits local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_headless local Strictly Necessary
apbct_urls local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_pointer_data local Strictly Necessary
ct_cookies_type local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_mouse_moved local Strictly Necessary
ct_ps_timestamp local Strictly Necessary
apbct_headless local Strictly Necessary
ct_pointer_data local Strictly Necessary
apbct_session_id session Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_has_scrolled local Strictly Necessary
ct_mouse_moved local Strictly Necessary
lastExternalReferrer local Strictly Necessary
bot_detector_referrer local Strictly Necessary
apbct_page_hits local Strictly Necessary