The update includes three new options which allow more flexible scanning and support for the Global Privacy Control flag. Another improvement fixes the issues with multiple instances of the same script appearing in the Scripts tab when random numbers are used as script source arguments (like Google Ads Remarketing tag).
- New option: include URLs. Can be used to manually add URLs to the Cookie Scanner if those URLs cannot be found by the Cookie Scanner during an automated scan.
- New option: exclude URLs. Can be used to exclude certain URLs (like subdomains) that can be picked up by the Cookie Scanner during an automated scan, but should not be used to generate the Cookie Declaration.
- New option: Cookie Scanner page limit. Can be used to reduce the number of scanned pages.
- New option: Global Privacy Control (can be found in the Behavior tab). Enables support for Global Privacy Control signal. More info at
- Improved logic behind script identification. The same scripts, but with different source URLs are now combined into one. All existing scripts for existing banners were combined automatically.
- Fixes of known bugs