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Website Tracking

Website Tracking

To those who have never heard of a tracking website, it might seem like magic that any ad will appear on a website unrelated to a product they previously viewed. Many websites track the behavior of users so they can be targeted (and re-targeted) for advertising purposes. It’s an effective marketing trick, but it does raise some privacy concerns.

If you perform website visitor tracking, CookieScript is here to help your operation comply with the many data privacy laws around the world, including the CCPA, GDPR, and ePR. Read on to learn more about what is website data and how to track it.

Tracking Website is a Big Business

Tracking website has become an essential part of conducting business online, which is why a vast majority of e-commerce sites use some form of website tracking, as well as cross website tracking. This practice allows businesses to see how their ads are doing and whether their targeted messaging is reaching the intended audience.

According to the Council of Europe, over €120 billion is spent each year on website ads in the European Union. So, it goes without saying that website user tracking is big business, and the one that is increasingly regulated through acts such as the GDPR, ePrivacy Directive, and the CCPA.

Be Compliant with Website User Tracking

CookieScript has made it easy to ensure your website user tracking practices comply with current and future data privacy laws and regulations. Whether you use Wix or another website service, ensuring compliance is as easy as installing website tracking software and modifying the settings to comply with relevant regulations.

Why Businesses Perform User Tracking

The reason nearly 80% of commercial operations track users on website is that the practice is highly lucrative. By tracking website, retailers, restaurants, and service providers can learn about your interests and habits. This page tracker information is then used to customize the browsing experience or to highlight products or services that may be of interest to the user.

But, the practice of tracking website does bring up a few important questions about who really owns your data and whether e-commerce platforms should be more transparent about what data they collect from users. Based on surveys and increasing regulations, it’s fair to say that website users are looking for transparency on website visitor tracking and how the data is used.

How Trackers on a Website Work

With a page tracker, websites can follow your movement and gain data from users in several ways. Here are some data tracking examples:

  1. IP addresses. IP addresses are essentially your virtual street address on the web. Using a digital “handshake,” IP address tracks can record your movements online, usually through the help of a line of JavaScript code.
  2. Cookies. Cookies are one of the most common ways websites gather data on users. Cookies can follow users’ movements from website to website and can be used to determine a user’s buying habits and interests.

Data Tracking Benefits Users Too

In this data privacy-aware era, the benefits of data-tracking are sometimes overlooked. Cookies and other forms of user tracking can also be helpful to users; cookie trackers allow you to save your shopping basket without logging in to the website. Website tracking software also allows content creators to tailor their offerings to meet the genuine interest of users.

Be Compliant with CookieScript

Are you looking to utilize the power of website data tracking while remaining compliant with CCPA, GDPR, ePR, and other regulations? CookieScript can help. Register with CookieScript today and see how easy it is to comply with data privacy laws and regulations while tracking website for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to track the traffic of any website?

If you’re wondering, how to track website traffic, there are many options to choose from. If you use Content Management Platforms such as Wix or WordPress, they already have tools that can help with website visitor tracking. But bear in mind that you will need to notify users before tracking their information. That’s why CookieScript has made it easy to ensure your website user tracking practices comply with current and future data privacy laws and regulations. Click here to find out more.

What is cross website tracking?

Cross website tracking is a process when the user’s actions on the internet are tracked from website to website and social media platforms usually are involved in it. For example, if a website puts a Facebook widget onto one of its pages, it allows the company to track user actions on that particular website.

Can websites track your location?

Yes, websites can track your location if given consent beforehand. When visiting a website for the first time, you should see a Cookie Banner at the bottom of your computer screen that will ask for your consent to track and collect user data, including geographical location. Such banners, including the Cookie Banner from CookieScript, are required if websites want to stay compliant with recent laws.

Can websites track your IP?

Websites can track your IP address if you have given consent to do so. You can always opt out of tracking, but if you have accepted Tracking Cookies when visiting a website for the first time, your personal information, as well as the IP address, will be public to the website’s owner. However, if you want to opt out of tracking, click here to find out more.

How are cookies used by websites to track you?

Website tracking is probably the main purpose of dropping cookies on the browser. Cookies are small, encrypted files that follow the user’s movement on a website and track its actions. The data collected can later be used for analytical or personalization purposes. If you need a GDPR-compliant cookie management platform, register with CookieScript.

How to keep websites from tracking you?

If you want to avoid website tracking software, you can always opt out of user tracking at any time. Look for a cookie banner in one of the corners of the website you’re visiting and it should provide an opportunity to change your cookie preferences.

New to CookieScript?

CookieScript helps to make the website ePrivacy and GDPR compliant.

We have all the necessary tools to comply with the latest privacy policy regulations: third-party script management, consent recording, monthly website scans, automatic cookie categorization, cookie declaration automatic update, translations to 34 languages, and much more.