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Cookiebot Alternative Cookiescript

Cookiebot Alternative for Consent Management: CookieScript

Cookiebot Consent Management Provider (CMP) is not the only option for Cookie Consent management. Explore other competing cookie-tracking software providers. Read the article on how to compare consent management providers.

When researching alternatives to Cookiebot CMP, consider the following factors:

  • User experience and customer service
  • CMP features
  • Certification by Google
  • Pricing

CookieScript is one of the best Cookie Consent tools on the market and could be a proper alternative to Cookiebot. So, let’s compare CookieScript CMP with Cookiebot CMP.

User Experience and Customer Service

Most customers want to work with easy-to-use products that have automatic implementations and do not require spending much time or money on coding, especially if they’re going to switch from one CMP to an alternative.

The most objective way to compare user experience and customer service is to check each platform’s evaluation of peer-review sites such as G2, Trustpilot, and Capterra. 

In 2024, CookieScript CMP was ranked by users on G2 as the best CMP for small and medium-sized companies.

In 2022, Cookiebot merged with Usercentrics, so Cookiebot operates under the name Usercentrics Cookiebot CMP. Let’s compare CookieScript CMP and Usercentrics Cookiebot CMP user experience and customer service. The CMP comparison on peer-review sites G2, Trustpilot, and Capterra was done in February 2025.

Comparison CookieScript with Cookiebot on peer-revier sites

The peer-review site G2 also allows for comparison of Consent Management Platforms. So, let’s dive deeper and view users’ ratings for different categories: 

CookieScript and Cookiebot comparison on G2

CookieScript and Usercentrics Cookiebot comparison on G2.

CookieScript CMP and Cookiebot CMP Features

CookieScript, the Cookiebot alternative, has all the features and functionalities of Cookiebot, including cookie banner customization, Cookie Scanner, consent recordings, third-party integrations, language support, and others.  

Moreover, CookieScript CMP is distinctive from other CMPs in that it has additional features like geo-targeting, cross-domain consent sharing and banner sharing to other accounts, local storage and session storage, and others. 

See all functionalities of CookieScript

Need a website cookie checker? CookieScript website checker has a full set of functionalities, which you can try for free!

Google Certification

CookieScript CMP is a Google-certified CMP, included in the Google’s list of certified CMPs.

CookieScript CMP has the GOLD Tier in the New Google Tiering System.

If is integrated with Google Consent Mode v2, Google Tag Manager, and IAB TCF v2.2.

CookieScript CMP is a Google-certified CMP


Let’s compare entry-level (FREE), medium (Standard / Premium Medium), and max features (Plus / Premium Large) pricing plans of CookieScript CMP and Usercentrics Cookiebot CMP.

Please note that CookieScript pricing plans include 2 domains for each pricing plan, while Usercentrics Cookiebot pricing plans include only 1 domain.

Comparison of CookieScript and Cookiebot pricing plans

Comparison of CookieScript and Cookiebot pricing plans


We have compared Cookiebot with CookieScript, evaluating factors such as user experience and customer service, CMP features, Google certification, and pricing

CookieScript CMP has many advantages and could be your alternative to Usercentrics Cookiebot CMP.

CookieScript is a Google-certified CMP. In 2024, CookieScript CMP was ranked by users on G2 as the best CMP for small and medium-sized companies.

Try out the user-friendly Cookiebot alternative CookieScript.

We offer one of the best pricing plans and also a free trial for 14 days. No credit card is required.

How to Switch Your Cookie Banner from Cookiebot to CookieScript?

If you would like to switch your Consent Management Platform, you can easily migrate to CookieScript CMP:

  1. Register for free at CookieScript.
  2. Create a new banner
  3. Remove Cookiebot scripts from your website.
  4. Install the CookieScript cookie banner on your website

For more information, refer to CookieScript detailed set-up guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose an alternative to Cookiebot?

When considering alternatives to Cookiebot, consider the following factors: user experience and customer service, CMP features, Google certification, and pricing. Compare CMPs on peer-review sites such as G2, Trustpilot, or Capterra. CookieScript CMP has many advantages and could be your alternative to Usercentrics Cookiebot CMP.

What is the alternative to Cookiebot?

CookieScript CMP has many advantages and could be your alternative to Cookiebot CMP. In 2024, CookieScript was ranked by users as the best CMP for small and medium-sized companies on G2. It has all necessary features, is a Google-certified CMP, and offers better pricing.

Is CookieScript a good alternative to Cookiebot?

Yes, CookieScript is a good alternative to Cookiebot. CookieScript has extra features that Cookie Information is missing, including geo-targeting functionality, self-hosted code of your cookie banner, cookie banner sharing, cross-domain cookie consent sharing, and the ability to scan local storage and session storageCookieScript also has a better evaluation on Trustpilot and offers better pricing.

Does Cookiebot have a free version?

Cookiebot offers a free plan with a limited set of functionalities. For full features and compliance, you’ll need a paid subscription, which is quite expensive. CookieScript pricing plans are cheaper and come with more functionalities. CookieScript also has much better evaluation on peer-review sites G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot.

How to install Cookiebot?

You can install Cookiebot by adding its script to your website’s code, like other consent management solutions. However, setup installation depends on your website’s CMS. CookieScript CMP offers a wide range of automated CMS integrations that allow compliance with major privacy laws. In 2024, it was ranked by users as the best CMP for small and medium-sized companies on G2.

New to CookieScript?

CookieScript helps to make the website ePrivacy and GDPR compliant.

We have all the necessary tools to comply with the latest privacy policy regulations: third-party script management, consent recording, monthly website scans, automatic cookie categorization, cookie declaration automatic update, translations to 34 languages, and much more.